Data catalogue
Open Data
Here you can find, in open access, tables about aggregate data with several detail levels and datasets with sampled micro-data about INVALSI tests. Data are available without registration.
GOPopulation Data
Here you can find micro-data about INVALSI tests collected on all schools and students all over the country. Data are available only for researchers belonging to recognised bodies and shall be issued upon registration and filling in a specific form.
GOSample Data
Here you can find micro-data about INVALSI tests collected by a statistically representative sample of schools and students at regional level, since 2017/18. Data are freely available in “.sav” (SPSS) format upon registration.
GOInternational Survey Data
Here you can find micro-data from International Surveys (OECD and IEA) collected by a statistically representative sample of schools and students at macro-area level. Data are freely available in “.sav” (SPSS) format upon registration.