Micro-data Population G08 2017-18 Italian language
In the section, researchers belonging to Recognized Institutions can request data on the entire population of students who took part in the INVALSI national surveys.
In the section, researchers belonging to Recognized Institutions can request data on the entire population of students who took part in the INVALSI national surveys.
In the section, researchers belonging to Recognized Institutions can request data on the entire population of students who took part in the INVALSI national surveys.
In the section it is possible, after registering on the site, to download the micro-data (in SPSS format) related to the sample surveys. In each national survey, INVALSI selects a two-stage probability sample, stratified at the first stage, in which the first-stage units are school sites (the institutes) and the second-stage units are the sections. In the Sample Survey, the tests are conducted under the supervision of observers outside the classroom and school faculty.
In the section it is possible, after registering on the site, to download micro-data (in SPSS format) related to the sample surveys. In each national survey, INVALSI selects a two-stage probability sample, stratified at the first stage, in which the first-stage units are school sites (the institutes) and the second-stage units are the sections. In the Sample Survey, the tests are conducted under the supervision of observers outside the classroom and school faculty.
In the section it is possible, after registering on the site, to download micro-data (in SPSS format) related to the sample surveys. In each national survey, INVALSI selects a two-stage probability sample, stratified at the first stage, in which the first-stage units are school sites (the institutes) and the second-stage units are the sections. In the Sample Survey, the tests are conducted under the supervision of observers outside the classroom and school faculty.
In the section it is possible, after registering on the site, to download micro-data (in SPSS format) related to the sample surveys. In each national survey, INVALSI selects a two-stage probability sample, stratified at the first stage, in which the first-stage units are school sites (the institutes) and the second-stage units are the sections. In the Sample Survey, the tests are conducted under the supervision of observers outside the classroom and school faculty.
In the section it is possible, after registering on the site, to download micro-data (in SPSS format) related to the sample surveys. In each national survey, INVALSI selects a two-stage probability sample, stratified at the first stage, in which the first-stage units are school sites (the institutes) and the second-stage units are the sections. In the Sample Survey, the tests are conducted under the supervision of observers outside the classroom and school faculty.
In the section, researchers belonging to Recognized Institutions can request data on the entire population of students who took part in the INVALSI National Surveys. The Student Questionnaire is addressed to all students in grades 5, 8, 10 and 13 with the main purpose of collecting some contextual data, which allow a more analytical reading of the results of the National Surveys tests. For some years, students' opinions about certain aspects of the school and themselves have also been surveyed.
In the section, researchers belonging to Recognized Institutions can request data on the entire population of students who took part in the INVALSI national surveys.