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Micro-data Population Municipal G02 2015-16 Mathematics
In the section, researchers belonging to Recognized Institutions can request data on the population of students who took part in the INVALSI national surveys enrolled in institutions located in municipalities with at least 3 school sites.
Population Data
Tipo di Dato
Microdati Comunali Population Data
Grado di Istruzione
Grado 2
Unlike Population Data, where the minimum spatial detail is the province, Municipal Population Data contains information on the municipality where the school building is located.
The set of context variables related to the student is reduced (gender, origin, regularity, parents' educational qualification, ESCS) for privacy reasons.
The tracings contain detailed information on individual variables and the ways in which they occur. In addition to the outline, prior to the 2018-19 School Year, surveys characterized by the administration of the tests in paper format also contain the files and correction grids for the questions present within them.