Statistical Office

INVALSI Statistical Service is responsible for the acquisition, analysis, and publication of data on national and international surveys about students’ learning, on surveys about teacher and school principal questionnaires in sampled classes during INVALSI tests.

The tight collaboration with the other areas of the Institute helps to fully get to know issues and phenomena detected each time so that it’s possible to investigate them and to collect and return data ad hoc specifically according to different targets.

INVALSI Statistical Service, with Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 20, 2016, has officially joined the National Statistical System (Sistan).

Data processed and published are collective property but they may be used and published providing the source (“Source: INVALSI – Statistical Service”; “Source: processing on INVALSI data – Statistical Service“).

The publication of INVALSI data has got different detail levels and is addressed to several target groups:

  • the Report on student learning outcomes and the Technical Report are mainly addressed to stakeholders in macro-analysis of school system;
  • the return of data to each school in last three years involves all school actors: the School Principal, the Teacher Referent for the Evaluation, the School Council, each Teacher who has a class involved in INVALSI tests; each of them has its own access profile allowing to display specific data in order to strengthen policies and strategic actions for improvement;
  • datesets for each student (in anonymous form since 2009/10), available after logging in the Data section, are addressed to researchers and other stakeholders who work with micro-data.

In addition, the Statistical Service provides, in the Data section, all data from international surveys: such as PISA, PIRLS, ICCS, and TIMSS.

The Statistical Service staff also helps schools ( and other stakeholders ( to solve problems and to guide them in data interpretation.